[New BitShares Association] Announcement on NBS and NCN Repurchase and Burn

New Bitshares
Nov 1, 2020

Dear NBS community, distinguished investors:

According to the “Announcement of the China BTS Association on the Official Launch of the Main Net and Airdrop Implementation Rules” on September 13 and the “Announcement on Determining NBS Internal Stable Coins, Points and Overall Solutions for Mining” on September 28, the above rules will be handled The repurchase and destruction transactions in October are as follows:

1. Since the internal airdrops have all ended at 0:00 on November 1, the board airdrop account (committee-drop) has 25,387,414 NBS remaining, except for the 1,000NBS handling fee, all of them will be destroyed. After calculation, the destroyed part includes: 262 unclaimed airdrops, totaling 21,714,239 NBS; 4 incorrect remarks, totaling 70,988 NBS; over-reservation of 3602187 NBS.

2. The mining fund account (goat) repurchased a total of 24,212,672 NCN this month, and all were destroyed in accordance with the rules.

3. New pending orders of 3 million NBS in the mining fund account (goat) will continue to repurchase NCN at a price of 0.2 (average transaction price on October 31).

4. The board account received 795,818 NBS this month. According to the rules, 318,327 NBS were withdrawn and destroyed, 318,327 NBS pending orders were repurchased for NCN, and the remaining 159164 NBS board accounts were reserved.

Thank you for your support to NBS!

NBS official website: nbs.plus

NBS official email: s@nbs.plus

New BitShares Association

Official website: www.btsgh.com

November 1, 2020

Original text; https://btsgh.com/?p=728

